Category Archives: Articles
Joseph’s Other Coat
The story of Joseph is one the most powerful displays of faith found in the pages of God’s word. Joseph, in scripture, is displayed as a man of incredible faith who maintained his faith in God in the face … Continue reading
Diligent Christianity
Diligent Christianity By: Sam Barclay In 1997, a man named Michael Drosnin wrote a popular book called “The Bible Code”. In his book Drosnin claimed that the Hebrew Bible was filled with hidden messages … Continue reading
The Joy of Baptism
The last few months have been exciting for our congregation: five people have been immersed into Christ (see Rom 6:3)! Though baptism is not a subject most people get excited about, the Bible’s discussion of immersion is truly joyful! Consider … Continue reading
Lessons From the Farm (Hos 10:11-11:11)
As you now know all too well, Hosea’s message is designed to hurt before it heals. But that healing sometimes alludes us because of the work’s focus on judgment. The prophet’s emphasis, though, is intentional: “The reason that the God … Continue reading
Grapes of Wrath (Hos 9:10-10:10)
The image of grapes is used throughout the Bible as a symbol of both blessing and wrath. On one hand, the fullness of the winepress indicates the abundant blessings God has given and a call to share freely with those … Continue reading
When Rebels Rage (Hos 8:1-9:9)
In our detour a few weeks ago, we noted that because of their inflammatory tendencies, most people would like to keep religion and politics as far away from each other as possible. But we cannot maintain a high view of biblical justice, … Continue reading
Heart Problems (Hos 6:11-7:16)
From year to year, heart disease and cancer rank as the leading causes of adult deaths, and the same is true spiritually. Sin affects the heart both first and most fully, and once one’s heart is turned, the infection continues … Continue reading
Biblical Civics
It is safe to say that no two subjects cause greater consternation among humans than religion and politics. Instead of seeking to understand the reasons for this, though, many have gone to the opposite extreme in their call for a … Continue reading
Hide and Seek (Hos 5:1-6:10)
Many people treat religion like some sort of game. There are rules to abide by, plays to be made, points to be scored and champions to be crowned. Of course, in some ways the analogy can be a positive one: … Continue reading
Failed Leadership (Hos 4:1-19)
Leaders are often under-appreciated by their followers and over-appreciated by themselves, and this plays out in numerous ways in our society. We often expect the world out of our presidents, our coaches and our bosses, and then when they fail … Continue reading
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